Our urology specialists diagnose and treat urinary tract disorders, bladder problems, incontinence, prostate disease and male reproductive health issues and provide surgical and non-surgical urology care.
Our team includes physicians and a urology nurse practitioner. Through a partnership with Kansas City Urology Care (KCUC), two board-certified urologists are on-site performing surgeries on Tuesdays and seeing patients in clinic and performing procedures at Bothwell’s Infusion & Procedure Center and following up with surgical patients on Wednesdays.
Our team provides a full range of simple to moderate complexity urology services including:
- Cystoscopy: A procedure to see inside the bladder and urethra
- Kidney Stone Removal: Techniques to remove stones from the kidney
- Retention and Incontinence: Treat and manage overactive bladder, neurogenic bladder, urgent urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence; offer InterStim™ therapy, an FDA-approved treatment for bladder and bowel control
- Urinary Tract Bleeding: Evaluation and treatment
- Cancer Management and Coordination: Bladder, testicular, penile and kidney cancers
- Prostate Disease Management: Including care for prostate cancer and other prostate-related issues
- Low Testosterone Management: Symptoms, testing and treatment
- Enlarged Prostate (BPH): Diagnosis and management
For any symptoms or to discuss treatment options, call Bothwell Urology Services at 660.826.1482. You will be assessed and referred to be seen by either our nurse practitioner or one of our surgeons for comprehensive urological care.

Help for frequent or difficult urination.