Service Excellence Initiative

OUR GOAL: Be the best place to work, to practice, to receive care.

We have embarked on a three-year journey together to become the Provider of Choice and the Employer of Choice.

Service Excellence Council

The Service Excellence Council serves as the central “hub” of information for the entire initiative and where the Service Excellence Advisors and OASIS teams will report progress. It is composed of 60% leadership and 40% frontline staff. One of its initial responsibilities is to develop a Service Recovery Policy. This document outlines the protocols to address and amend service failures, aiming to reinstate customer satisfaction and loyalty. It includes identifying the problem, issuing an apology, offering a resolution or compensation, and implementing preventative measures.

Michele Laas, Chair
Brittani Geml, Vice Chair
Amber Allain, OASIS Super Coach
Maggie Schaffer, LEAD Team Coordinator
Heather Sadler, SEA Super Coach
Kristen McCullough, Ambassador Super Coach
Marvin Smoot, Provider Super Coach
Dianne Williams, Survey Super Coach
Mike Shipp, CLS Education Coordinator
Kiwi Popyk, Service Recovery Champion
Wendy Fairfax, Scribe
Rob Wideman, DO IT/Service Huddle Champion
Shania Underwood, Implementation Coordinator
Lori Wightman, CEO


OASIS (Organizationally Advanced Service Improvement System) teams will execute a single, organization-wide service improvement project. These teams include Referral and Onboarding, Retention, Keywords/Sentence Starters, Awards and Recognition, and Service Standards/Internal Support Services. They will meet at least once a month to advance their projects, which, at the year’s end, will be handed over to a designated person/department for ongoing management. Here are our OASIS team members.

Referral and Onboarding

Melanie Estes, Team Captain
Lisa Irwin, Admin Team Liaison
Rudy Reyes
Hollie Dubroc
Christy Goalder
Christel Harms
Terri McCarthy
Beth Everts
Rick Langdon
Larenzo Walker


Kim Perez, Team Captain
Steve Davis, Admin Team Liaison
Terri Deer
Jenny Force
Leslie Harris
Mike Snow
Cindy McKeon
Laura Weisenburger
Bailey McGinnis

Service Standards/Internal Support

Kara Sheeley, Team Captain
Marvin Smoot, Admin Team Liaison
Nathan Porter
Diana O’Connor
Brianna Murray
Kaela Reeves
Natalie Sims
Mary Holloman
Lauren Thiel-Payne


Mike Shipp, Team Captain
Michele Laas, Admin Team Liaison
Tony Leal
Travis Glenn
Brian Hermanson
CJ Palmer
Jessica Bronson
Regina Lawson
Tamara Johnson
Sandra Jerome
Ashley Updyke
Shelby Osburn
Christina Swank

Awards and Recognition

Julie May, Team Captain
Marvin Smoot, Admin Team Liaison
Melanie Davis
Marc Dougherty
Tammy Jackson
Lucas Sheeley
Tracey Rapp
Toni Warren
Sarah Hopper

LEAD Teams

Transition of Care

Robin Wagenknecht, Team Captain
Sarah Hopper
Devin Lefevers
Amber Yearout
Justin May
Elizabeth Green
Cole Simoncic
Brenda Sprinkle


Erica Marin, Team Captain
Susan Lamb
Leah Mahin
Patty King
Rachelle Joronen
Luci Manolias
Madeline Harms


Jennifer Evert, Team Captain
Tom Fairfax
Natalie Paxson
Rachel Harris
Bob Blacklock
Tony Leal
Saudi Robbins
Austin Freed

Service Excellence Advisors

Service Excellence Advisors are solely frontline staff. These individuals have received training and will teach other employees the necessary skills to understand our customers better, enhance communication, and provide all staff with empowerment tools. Let’s meet our SEAs!

Sierra Ashley
Ashley Barnes
Odjie Bautista
Anna-Clara Eckhoff
Mia Estrada
Carrie French
Tanner Fuemmeler
Lori Gano
Kaitlyn Gerlt
Kaylei Gooch
Robin Goodwin
Tyler Hanisch
Lori Hazell
Katherine Hesse
Steven Hughes
Kyle Hull
Lesley Jackson
Stephanie Johnson
Joy Knox

Kristen Largent
Rose Ann Livengood
Tina Lowe
Chelsie Luckie
Amber Meinershagen
Rita Mergen
Rachel Morgan
Emily Mullins
Rachel Norton
Stacey O’Donnell
Jeri Perkins
Brook Reed
Paige Shelton
Meghan Shirky
Stephanie Shull
Jessica Smethers
Saudi Robbins
Cathy Seifner
Cole Simoncic
Rebecca Starkey

Tasha Stokes
Jessica Sullins
Vlad Surguy
Katie Touchstone
Kassie Wehmeyer
Rochelle Werneke
Devin Wiley
Amber Yearout
Pattie Snapp
Sandra Stephens
Rebekah Thompson
Angelica Ulmer
Ashley Van Deusen
Micah Waddle
Tammy Walker
Brianna Welch

Service Excellence Ambassadors

Brittainy Lindstrom
Carrie Brown
Toni Catron
Cindy Harris
Deanna Atwood

Kasandra Wehmeyer
Kelsie Pirtle
Kim Murphy
Kirsten Darrah
Megan Elwood

Debbie Billings
Devin Wiley
Susan Lamb
Shannon Jeffries/Ronnie McClure

Physician/APP Service Excellence Advisors

Dr. Evan Stout
Mindy Vesperman, FNP
Stacy Ward, FNP
Kayla Mather, FNP

Although only a fraction of the organization are members of these groups, a cultural shift such as this requires the participation of every employee.

Our community deserves care that is rated at FIVE STARS.
YOU deserve a workplace that you would rate at FIVE STARS.