ToRCH Community Service Grant Application

Community-based organizations are encouraged to apply for ToRCH grant funds for existing or new programs or services that help meet these main goals:

  1. More follow-up visits: Increase follow-up visits within 30 days for Medicaid members with a PHQ9 score of 10+by 2%
  2. Fewer chronic illness cases: Lower the number of Medicaid members with hypertension by 2%
  3. Fewer chronic illness cases: Lower the number of Medicaid members with diabetes (HgbA1c) by 2%
  4. More well-child visits: Increase well-child visits for Medicaid members after the third year by 2%
  5. Fewer missed appointments for pregnant women: Reduce missed appointments for pregnant women with Medicaid by 2%

Learn more by joining our online information sessions, held on the second Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. For details, meeting links, or to apply, email

Capacity building funds are not available for ongoing expenses such as staffing; however, because there will be per-service reimbursement for approved health-related social needs, an agreement between the ToRCH hub and the community partner regarding referrals for services should create opportunities to fund new positions.

The ToRCH leadership board will make decisions regarding the allocation of available funding to local partners to achieve the designated population health goals.

In September 2024, the ToRCH Be Well Leadership Board awarded nearly $240,000 to four local community-based organizations.

Online Application