Creating a Healthy Community. Together.
Special Committees
Special Prospects Committee
The first committee to launch was the Special Prospects committee, led by Scott and Lindsey Benbrook of Sedalia. Lindsey is a member of the Bothwell Foundation's Board of Directors and said the first order of work for the committee was to create the MCMXXX’s (1930’s) Social Club.
The name is a nod to the year Bothwell hospital opened, and the club includes people financially committed to the hospital’s long-term success in the community. The committee has already hosted two social events this year and has a third planned in February. The events are casual and informal opportunities for guests to learn more about Bothwell and the purpose of the club.
The first two events were an opportunity for guests to hear updates from James White, foundation board chair and Lori Wightman, Bothwell CEO, in an informal setting. The group also learned about the purpose of the Social Club and how membership helps advance Bothwell’s mission.
At the August event Todd Nappe, Security director, and Paul Knocke, MHA Administrative summer intern, gave a presentation on the need for a K9 security officer at Bothwell, and Laura Weisenburger, Nursing educator and recruiter, demonstrated the department’s new virtual reality training system.
"Scott and I said yes to chairing this committee because we understand how important local access to quality health care is for the overall health of our community,” Lindsey said. “As a nonprofit, independent health center, it is vitally important that the entire community understands the responsibility we all have for Bothwell’s success. By chairing this committee, we look forward to providing a fun way for people to learn about Bothwell and make contributions that will help it continue providing quality health care for everyone it serves.”
Lindsey said that one of her and Scott’s favorite things about their committee is that the group gets to decide which projects it wants to support from a list of priorities. Their committee and the Annual Support committee both elected to raise funds for a K9 security dog for the hospital, and the fund-raising goal of $52,000 was met in January.

Bothwell Foundation Special Prospects Committee Cochair Lindsey Benbrook chats with Foundation President Jim White at the committee’s first social event in August. The committee’s next event was a “Bite-Size Bothwell” Lunch and Learn on Feb. 8.
Special Prospects Committee members include:
- Scott and Lindsey Benbrook, Chairs
- Lori Wightman, Senior Leadership Team representative
- Mike and Chele Trammell
- Jeff and Tenea Lowman
- Reid and Libby Swearingen
- Kyle and Roxy Herrick
- Dr. Dan and Meghan Woolery
“Hospital settings can create stress for people and the presence of a dog is proven to de-escalate situations effectively,” Lindsey said. “This is our near-term goal, but the long-term plan is to build a large base of members with the common goal of ensuring the hospital’s viability in our community.”
The committee will host other events to recruit members to the Social Club. Members will be recognized on new digital displays at Bothwell and receive special announcements related to new programs and services, plus invitations to hospital events and celebrations including the annual 1930’s Social Club celebration events.
For more information or to join the 1930’s Social Club, visit brhc.org/foundation-giving/1930s-social-club/
Annual Support Committee
The foundation’s Annual Support Campaign is an opportunity for people to provide sustaining and ongoing support to the hospital. Annual support donations are used where the need is the greatest whether that is for patient care, hospital or clinic equipment or technology or scholarships for employees to further their health care education.
Donations have recently been used to purchase cast saws, patient scales, computer software, treadmills, bassinets, blood pressure machines and virtual reality training equipment for nurses.
This year, the committee elected to raise funds for a K9 security dog for the hospital.
To learn more or to join the Together We Well. club, visit brhc.org/foundation-giving/together-we-well.
Annual Support committee members include:
- Heather Cantrell, Chair
- Steve Davis, Senior Leadership Team representative
- Debbie Appleton
- Julie Bowers
- Becky Cantrell
- Susan Cooner
- Lisa Brown Ditzfeld
- Lisa Johnson Ditzfeld
- Tammy Fowler
- Jessica Gerlt
- Amanda Lewis
- Jen Pinkel
Community Relations Committee
While the foundation’s Special Prospects, Annual Support and Employee Giving committees are focused on growing the number of supporters and donors to the foundation, the Community Relations committee has a different charge.
Cliff Callis, Community Relations chair, said the committee’s goals are to create awareness of Bothwell services in the community and provide educational opportunities that share resources and support to people about health challenges they or their families are facing.
“Bothwell has experts that can speak about most any health topic from A to Z,” Callis said. “We also have a community that wants more information about how to physically and emotionally care for themselves and their loved ones in a healthy way. Our committee’s job is to help make our community aware of the outstanding health services and care that Bothwell provides.”
In November, the committee hosted its first free community seminar for parents and youth leaders on how to identify and support young people experiencing stress. The committee is also organizing tours of the hospital and planning four educational seminars in 2023.

Seminar speakers included Dr. Robynne Lute, Bothwell behavioral health consultant, Sarah Price, Bothwell TLC Pediatrics nurse practitioner, Carolyn Gibson, doctoral psychology intern and October Zhang, MU medical student
Community Relations committee members include:
- Cliff Callis, chair
- Lisa Irwin, Senior Leadership Team representative
- Debra Andresen
- Stacey Beard
- Rickie Caswell
- Joleigh Cornine
- Steve Curd
- Diana Nichols
- Tracey Spry
- Kelli Weymuth
Employee Giving Committee
Subscribing to the philosophy that “it begins with us,” the Employee Giving committee has created the Employee Partners Invested in Caring (EPIC) Club. The committee’s goals are to create greater awareness among Bothwell employees of the foundation’s purpose as well as enlist their financial support to fund special projects that may benefit employees, patients, visitors or facilities. Support by employees demonstrates to other advocates that there is a deep commitment to the foundation and its mission.
Depending on the amount of funds raised, donations to the EPIC Club will fund cold weather wear for employees who work in the elements, a handicap-accessible golf cart for patient transport, an employee food pantry and support of the revamped Miracle on 14th Street Employee Assistance Fund.
Employee Giving Committee:
- Sarah Anderson, Co-chair
- Laura Weisenburger, Co-chair
- Michele Laas, Senior Leadership Team Representative
- Jamie Barklage
- Wendy Fairfax
- Tom Fairfax
- Sarah Hopper
- Tammy Jackson
- Rita Mergen
- Todd Nappe
- Ashley O’Bannon
- Rachel Owens
- Kim Perez
- Lucas Sheeley
- Kara Sheeley
- Devin Wiley