Bothwell Regional Health Center to offer free Stop the Bleed class
Bothwell Regional Health Center will offer a Stop the Bleed class free to the community on Friday, April 18.
The goal of STOP THE BLEED® is to train and equip bystanders to use medically proven bleeding control practices to stop severe blood loss. The person next to a bleeding victim may very well be the one who’s most likely to save him or her from bleeding to death. By learning how to control bleeding, class attendees will gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively by learning three quick techniques.
The free class is from 8 am to noon and will meet in the Bothwell Education Center at 600 E. 14th Street.
For more information or to register, contact the Bothwell Education Center at or call 660.827.9516. To view more classes offered by Bothwell, visit