Bothwell TLC Pediatrics to hold flu vaccine clinic
Bothwell TLC Pediatrics is holding a flu vaccine clinic from 9 am to 1 pm Saturday, Dec. 11 at the clinic located at 2925 Clinton Rd.
All individuals older than 6 months of age are recommended to receive the current influenza vaccine. The flu vaccine clinic is open to anyone, even those who are not currently a Bothwell patient. A photo ID is required, and there is no cost with proof of insurance.
Children 6 months to 18 years without insurance are covered by Vaccines for Children, a program offered through the state of Missouri that provides vaccines to those with Medicaid or who are uninsured or underinsured. The cost of the vaccine for people 19 years and older without insurance is $25.
Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are recommended to reduce wait time. For an appointment or for information, call Bothwell TLC Pediatrics at 660.829.5852 or Centralized Scheduling at 660.829.8888.
All flu vaccines offered by Bothwell Regional Health Center are quadrivalent (four-component) meaning they are designed to protect against four different flu viruses.